The McNab Stockdog Foundation Breeders Criteria
Please note these Breeding Criteria are an extension of the Breed Standard. TMSF encourages mindful breeding practices in consideration of the sustainability of the McNab. These Breeding Citeria have been compiled to further expand on the specific do’s and don’ts of breeding the McNab. As a TMSF McNab breeder, you agree to adhere to the The McNab Stockdog Foundation Bylaws, Mission Statement and Code of Ethics in addition to these Breeder Guidelines.
Trends and Popular Sire Syndrome Breeding
It is easy to get caught up in popularity trends for one reason or another. Popular Sire Syndrome is where dogs are bred solely for a specific trait, characteristics
or performance, (such as breeding for a specific color or a champion dog) and continually linebreeding back to the same dog. It has been proven that this can lead
to genetic bottlenecking, as in inbreeding over time. This practice is highly discouraged by TMSF.
As a TMSF McNab Breeder, you shall never knowingly or intentionally engage in any of the following practices:
- Breed before a bitch’s second heat cycle, or due to whelp by 18 months.
- Breed any known conformational defects into your offspring.
- Knowingly breed for excessive short- or longhair coats.
- Knowingly breed for excessive height and weight outside of set standards.
- Breed any dog with an undershot or overshot jaw deviation more than ¼ inch.
- Breed for coat colors other than what is described herein these standards.
- Breed a dog & bitch together with more than 50% white on both heads.
Breeders/Members of “The McNab Stockdog Foundation” will adhere to the Set of guidelines as set forth in this document. If any breeder has breeding dogs that have a known genetic disease, conformation faults, and/or known disposition/mental
temperament defects, as described herein by these Set of Standards or does not follow the Ethical Breeding Codes set herein for the betterment of the breed, and the breeder knowingly breeds one of his/her dogs with such Measure of Defects/Faults/Diseases, then The McNab Stock Dog Foundation and its representative Board of Directors can and shall take action to revoke or suspend an offending Breeder’s membership and breeding privileges as deemed necessary for an indefinite time.
TMSF Breeding Stock Certification
TMSF recognizes the necessity of outcrossing the McNabs with specific intent to conserve genetic integrity and encourages the practice of “breeding up,” with a goal of returning to a higher concentration of McNab at all times. To support our Breeder’s contributions to the preservation of the McNab, the TMSF offers a Breeding Stock Certification opportunity for Non-McNab working/herding dogs who exhibit qualities that are complementary to the McNab breed. This program is of a subjective nature and requires a highly involved breeder who is willing to work with the TMSF Board to ensure the dog contributes to the McNab in a productive manner.
Litter Registration
To qualify for Litter Registration, a litter Sire or litter Dam must have TMSF Permanent Registration Status and the second parent, if not registered with TMSF, must possess a Breeding Stock Certification with the TMSF.
Important Notes on Breed Standards:
The TMSF breed standards should be the prerequisite to any McNab breeding program. In our efforts to conserve the McNab, the following section details
known genetic alterations that can negatively impact the integrity of the breed and should be avoided when considering your mating pairs. Willfully breeding dogs that reproduce traits that compromise the dog and McNab breed can result in disciplinary actions by TMSF as specified above.
McNabs should have a scissors’ bite. Incisors should line up evenly and any deviation of more than a ¼ inch underbite or overbite in the jaw is considered a serious fault.
Breeders must be careful not to breed for blue eyes caused from a lack of pigment, which can result in pink skin coloration in surrounding delicate eye and nose areas that can lead to photosensitivity brought on by sun exposure.1
Breeding for bobtails can lead to the Embryonic lethal mutation2, located on the T-cell. McNabs can carry this gene, and it is therefore recommended that breeding stock be tested, as it can lead to embryonic death in utero.
Bowlegged hocks are discouraged and not typical of the breed. Hind dewclaws should be removed before 5 days of age (easiest when removed at birth). Reasons for early removal are as follows: injuries frequently occur when dewclaws catch on brush, and it is very painful and costly to remove them later, as the dog has to be sedated, and it is a surreal procedure requiring sutures and rest.
It is recommended that breeders do not breed for extreme white around the head or entire body due to congenital deafness.